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Improved Water Quality for Steel Mill Production, UK

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Water Treatment

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Industrials Water

icon Filtration solution Filtration solution

ABF-3000 + ABF-10000

מפעל פלדה
התקנת מסנן רשת


John Morfield Ltd, a distributor for Amiad Water Systems, were contacted by their client for a water filtration solution for their steel mill in North Yorkshire, England. The steel mill specializes in the manufacture of hardened steels used for applications such as the teeth in excavator buckets. The mill was struggling with general water quality and had a number of issues in some parts of the mill where spray nozzles were continually clogging.


The mill had an existing bag filter housing installed on one of their critical water supply lines which required the filter bags to be changed every 12 hours, resulting in high operational costs and had a significant time impact for the site personnel. The mill was looking for a solution that would reduce their operational costs, remove the need for site engineers to change the filter bags each shift, and improve their water quality to the spray nozzles.


A series of water samples were analysed for TSS, oils and PSD (particle size distribution). These results were reviewed by Amiad Water Systems to understand which particles were causing the mill issues. Following this analysis it was recommended that the mill utilise one of Amiad’s high solid handling filters, the automatic ABF brush cleaning filter with a 200 micron wedgewire screen. The solution selected was an ABF-3000 complete with its own control board.


Following the ABF-3000 installation, the bag filter housing downstream was able to go one week between bag changes instead of only 12 hours. After 9 months operation the steel mill then decided to upgrade their entire mill water feed system and installed one of Amiad’s ABF-10000 filters, again with a 200 micron screen. This filter now treats all incoming water supply to the mill and is capable of filtering up to 650 m3/hr. Water quality to the whole steel mill has been greatly improved. Both filters have now been in operation together for 1 year. They have been serviced by Amiad’s in-house maintenance engineers and continue to provide high quality water to the steel mill.